
92 (regular)
95 (premium)
98 (ultimate)
Tambov region: prices from 50 fuel stations.
Lukoil Lukoil
  • gas station № 5084
    May Day district, 363 km (the right) road М-6 "Caspian sea", phone: 8-906-596-20-69
  • gas station № 5085
    Tambov, street Soviet, 194 г, phone: 8-906-596-21-24
  • gas station № 5086
    Tambov, Tchitcherin`s street, 5, phone: 8-906-596-21-32
  • gas station № 6028
    Russia, the Tambov region, the Tambov area, the item river New Ljada of 17 km (it is left) road Tambov - Penza, phone: 8-960-117-94-70
  • gas station № 6068
    Tambov, street Proletarian, 174, phone: 8-905-655-99-64
  • gas station № 6630
    Tambov region, Tambov district, village Sagittariuses of 2 km (it is left) road М-6 "Caspian sea", phone: 8-903-420-85-78
  • gas station № 6636
    Tambov region, Tambov district, 446 km (the right) road М-6 "Moscow — Volgograd" (Caspian sea), phone: 8-905-049-96-26
  • gas station № 6649
    Tambov region, the Tambov area of the River of the item New Ljada of 16 km road Р-208 (Tambov - Penza) (the right), phone: 8-905-051-14-18

  • gas station №161
    Russia, the Tambov region, May Day, village Степанищево, line М6, 371 km, Moscow - Astrakhan (Caspian sea)
  • gas station №163
    Russia, the Tambov region, Tambov district, line М6, 447 km, Moscow - Astrakhan (Caspian sea), on the right
  • gas station №164
    Russia, the Tambov region, Tambov, village Борщевка, line М6, 465 km, Moscow - Astrakhan (Caspian sea)
  • gas station №167
    Russia, the Tambov region, Morshansk, street Civil, house 111А
  • gas station №168
    Russia, the Tambov region, Tambov, Student Enetsky quay, house 28
  • gas station №170
    Russia, the Tambov region, Tambov, street Astrakhan, house 39 In
  • gas station № 278
    Tambov region, May Day area, village Степанищево (road М6, 371 km) (+ 800)
  • gas station № 280
    Tambov region, Tambov district (road М6, 447 km) (at departure from Tambov)
  • gas station № 281
    Tambov обл, the Tambov area, village Борщевка (road М6, 465 km)
  • gas station № 282
    Tambov region, г Morshansk (road Tambov-Shatsk, 83 km+700)
  • gas station № 283
    Tambov region, Morshansk, street Civil, house 111 "And"
  • gas station № 284
    Tambov region, Tambov, street Student Enetsky quay, house 28
  • gas station № 285
    Tambov region, Tambov, parkway of Enthusiasts, house 2 Е
  • gas station № 286
    Tambov region, Tambov, street Antonova-Ovseenko, house 39 In

RosNeft RosNeft
  • gas station №1
    Russia, Tambov, street Astrakhan, house 173
  • gas station №2
    Russia, Tambov, street Moscow, house 10 Г
  • gas station №3
    Russia, Tambov, street Lermontovsky, house 1 And
  • gas station №4
    Russia, Tambov, road Morshansky, 48, 0,5 km from road А143, to the left of Tambov
  • gas station №6
    Russia, the Tambov region, the Tambov area, Kotovsk, street Soviet, 22
  • gas station №7
    Russia, the Tambov region, the item Is glad, line Р208, 9 km, to the left of Tambov
  • gas station №8
    Russia, the Tambov region, 8 km road Tambov-Kotovsk, the item the Builder, to the right of Tambov
  • gas station №9
    Russia, the Tambov region, Pichaevsky area, village Пичаево
  • gas station №10
    Russia, the Tambov region, Zherdevsky area, Zherdevka, street October, 52 and
  • gas station №12
    Russia, the Tambov region, Inzhavinsky area, the river of the item of Inzhavino, Charles Marx`s street, 231
  • gas station №16
    Tambov region, 96 km Р208, village Шиновка, to the right of Tambov
  • gas station №18
    Russia, the Tambov region, 2 km road Р204, Michurinsk, to the right of Michurinsk
  • gas station №19
    Russia, the Tambov region, Michurinsk district, Michurinsk, street Ukrainian, 19
  • gas station №22
    Russia, the Tambov region, 85 km road Tambov-Shatsk, the item Suburban, to the right of Tambov
  • gas station №23
    Russia, the Tambov region, 92 km road Tambov-Shatsk, Morshansky district, the item Ustinsky, to the left of Tambov
  • gas station №26
    Russia, the Tambov region, Uvarovsky area, Uvarovo, street Southern
  • gas station №28
    Russia, the Tambov region, the Mordovian area, the river of the item of Mordovo, street Technical, 71
  • gas station №30
    Russia, the Tambov region, 36 km road Р208, the item of Platonovka, to the left of Tambov
  • gas station №31
    Russia, the Tambov region, Rasskazovo, street Soviet, 110
  • gas station №32
    Tambov region, Bondarsky area, village Coopers, street Parovatkina, 104 And
  • gas station №33
    Russia, the Tambov region, 213 km road Р193, village Pokrovo-suburban, to the right of Tambov
  • gas station №37
    Russia, the Tambov region, the river of the item of Tokarevka, street Soviet, 83
  • gas station №40
    Russia, the Tambov region, Sosnovsky area, the river of the item Sosnovka, street Collective-farm, 16
  • gas station №41
    Russia, the Tambov region, 448 km road М6, the item Sagittariuses, to the right of Moscow
  • gas station №43
    Russia, the Tambov region, the item river May Day, the Volgograd highway
  • gas station №47
    Russia, the Tambov region, the river of the item Znamenka, street Volgograd
  • gas station №48
    Russia, the Tambov region, Tambov, street Nikiforovsky, 1
  • gas station №49
    Russia, the Tambov region, 2 km road Kirsanov-Umet, village Тоновка, to the left of Kirsanov
  • gas station №52
    Russia, the Tambov region, Uvarovsky area, Uvarovo, street Big Garden
  • gas station №55
    Russia, the Tambov region, 45 km road А143, village Перкино, to the right of Tambov
  • gas station №62
    Russia, the Tambov region, Rzhaksinsky district, 531 km road М6, the item Peter and Paul, to the left of Moscow
  • gas station №71
    Russia, the Tambov region, 388 km road М6, village Изосимово, to the left of Moscow
  • gas station №72
    Russia, the Tambov region, Sampursky area, the item of Satinka, street Cooperative, 1б/1
  • gas station №73
    Russia, the Tambov region, 137 km road Р193, the river of the item of Mordovo, to the right of Tambov
  • gas station №74
    Russia, the Tambov region, 343 km road М6, village New Arkhangelsk, to the right of Moscow
  • gas station №76
    Russia, the Tambov region, village East Starinka, line М6, 409 km, to the right of Moscow
  • gas station №77
    Russia, the Tambov region, 425 km road М6, the item of Saburovo, to the left of Moscow
  • gas station №78
    Russia, the Tambov region, 119 km road Р209, the item of Peresypkino 1st, to the right of Tambov
  • gas station №79
    Russia, the Tambov region, 26 km road Р208, Rasskazovo, to the right of Tambov
  • gas station №81
    Russia, the Tambov region, Tambov, street Market, 165
  • gas station №82
    Russia, the Tambov region, Tambov, Ryleyev`s street, 61
  • gas station №83
    Russia, the Tambov region, Tambov, street Nikiforovsky
  • gas station №101
    Russia, the Tambov region, Tambov, street Astrakhan, 173
  • gas station №161
    Russia, the Tambov region, May Day, village Степанищево, line М6, 371 km, Moscow - Astrakhan (Caspian sea)
  • gas station №163
    Russia, the Tambov region, Tambov district, line М6, 447 km, Moscow - Astrakhan (Caspian sea), on the right

Tambov region, all gaz stations

1 € = 10487  rubles
Last update: 23 october 2024 00:30 (today).
Last changes in prices: 15.10.2021