
92 (regular)
95 (premium)
98 (ultimate)
Stavropol Territory: prices from 107 fuel stations.
Lukoil Lukoil

  • gas station № 477
    РО, Kagalnitsky district, the item Kirov, 29km+500 highways "Rostov-Stavropol"
  • gas station № 478
    РО, Zernogradsky district, settlement experimental, 075 km on С-3 from it, 55+900 km of a highway "Bataysk-Stavropol"

GazProm GazProm

RosNeft RosNeft
  • gas station №1
    Russia, Stavropol, Lermontov`s street, 355, quarter 338
  • gas station №2
    Russia, Cherkessk, Lenin`s avenue № 336
  • gas station №2
    Russia, Kochubeevsky area, village Kochubeevsky, street Station, 3
  • gas station №3
    Russia, Cherkessk, Pyatigorsk highway
  • gas station №3
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, village Northern, road Р262
  • gas station №4
    Russia, Ust-Dzheguta, street Resort № 1
  • gas station №4
    Russia, Nevinnomyssk, ф/д caucasus, 240км
  • gas station №5
    Russia, the item of Teberda, northern part of a city
  • gas station №6
    Russia, v. Хабез, U.Habekova`s street № 11
  • gas station №7
    Russia, New Aleksandrovsky area, Novoaleksandrovsk, Lenin`s street, 1
  • gas station №8
    Russia, Stavropol, street Dovatortsev, 30в
  • gas station №10
    Russia, Stavropol, Dostoevsky`s street, 142
  • gas station №11
    Russia, Apanasenkovsky area, village Marvellous, street Highway, 6
  • gas station №12
    Russia, Isobilnensky area, Rich, street of Kirov
  • gas station №13
    Russia, Stavropol, avenue Kulakova, 20
  • gas station №14
    Russia, Stavropol, street 8 Martha, 133
  • gas station №15
    Russia, Shpakovsky to r thow, road Stavropol-Bataysk, 1 km Stavropol of street Northern detour 1
  • gas station №16
    Russia, Stavropol, Dobrolyubov`s street, 54
  • gas station №17
    Russia, Shpakovsky area, settlement Demino, road Astrakhan-Nevinnomyssk А-154, 560 km
  • gas station №18
    Russia, Stavropol, Lenin`s street, 431а
  • gas station №19
    Ust-Dzheguta, street Resort № 369 And
  • gas station №19
    Russia, Stavropol, Tukhachevsky`s street, 525 sq.
  • gas station №20
    Russia, Stavropol, avenue Kulakova, 29/3а
  • gas station №21
    Russia, Svetlograd, road Astrakhan-Nevinnomyssk, А-154, 482km+500m
  • gas station №22
    Russia, Grachevsky area, village Грачевка, А-154
  • gas station №23
    Russia, the item of Pregradnaja, street Red 297
  • gas station №23
    Russia, Ipatovsky area, Ipatovo, street Northern, 36, А-154
  • gas station №24
    Russia, Svetlograd, the Industrial zone, Р-266
  • gas station №25
    Russia, Trunovsky area, village Don, road Bataysk-Stavropol, Р-269
  • gas station №26
    Russia, Krasnogvardejsky area, village Krasnogvardejsky, road Bataysk-Stavropol, Р-269
  • gas station №27
    Russia, Andropovsky area, village Курсавка, ф/д caucasus, 293 km
  • gas station №30
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Shpakovsky district, entrance to Mihajlovsk from the Airport
  • gas station №31
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Kochubeevsky district, village Ivanovo, an entrance to Cherkessk from М29, 16 km + 400м
  • gas station №33
    Russia, Novoaleksandrovsk, Panfilov`s street, 1/1
  • gas station №34
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, village Aleksandrovsky, street Elevatornaja, 4, 100м from road Р-262-Буденновск (from the item of Bu
  • gas station №35
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Shpakovsky district, village Hope, road Astrakhan-Nevinnomyssk, А154, 548 km have sat down Hope
  • gas station №37
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Р-266 (Svetlograd-Budennovsk) near Grateful
  • gas station №39
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, village Kochubeevsky, ул Lenin, 272 and (an entrance to Cherkessk from М29, 1 km)
  • gas station №40
    Russia, Nevinnomyssk, Mendeleyev`s street, road Krasnodar-Baku, М29, 239km+100
  • gas station №41
    Russia, Stavropol, crossing of street Makarova and street October
  • gas station №42
    Russia, Ipatovo, ул. Gagarin, 2
  • gas station №44
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Shpakovsky district, road Astrakhan-Nevinnomyssk А-154, 561 km of Demino
  • gas station №45
    Russia, Andropovsky area, village Курсавка, ф/д caucasus, 293 km
  • gas station №46
    Russia, Nevinnomysk, Federal line М29, 245 km
  • gas station №48
    Russia, Stavropol, street Pirogova, 529 sq.
  • gas station №50
    Russia, Stavropol, street Grandmother`s
  • gas station №51
    Russia, Rich, street of 50 years of October
  • gas station №53
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Kochubeevsky district, road caucasus, 230 km
  • gas station №55
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Shpakovsky district, the item Verhnerussky, highway Stavropol-Bataysk, 10km+400м
  • gas station №57
    Russia, Stavropol, street Roundabout, 23
  • gas station №58
    Russia, Rich, з-д Atlant
  • gas station №61
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, village Грачевка, street Stavropol, 75, А-154
  • gas station №62
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Grateful, street Station, 8
  • gas station №63
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, village New Selitsky, street Highway, road Р-262- А-154-Буденновск
  • gas station №64
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, village Арзгир, street Highway, 24 (departure from village Арзгир to Budyonnovsk)
  • gas station №65
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Budyonnovsk, street Kumsky 130 km road Р-285 (M-vody-kochubej)
  • gas station №66
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, 126 km road Р-285 (M-vody-kochubej) between Budennovsk.-Praskoveej
  • gas station №67
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, village Levokumsky, street Highway 62, road Р-283 Mines-waters-kochubej
  • gas station №68
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, 182 km road Р-285 (M-vody-kochubej) Neftekumsk departure on Zaterechnyj
  • gas station №69
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, village Old Dubsky, street Andzhievsky road Р-285 Mines-waters-kochubej
  • gas station №71
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Georgievsky area, road Stavropol-Krajnovka, 171 km
  • gas station №73
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Georgievsky area, village Plentiful, street Market, 60,1
  • gas station №76
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Georgievsk of street of Gagarin 62/4
  • gas station №152
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Georgievsk of street October departure from Georgievsk on and д Р-285
  • gas station №153
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, 63 km. road Р-285 (M-vody-kochubej) in 50 Let Okt street Zelenokumsk. 57
  • gas station №154
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, road Р-285 Mines-waters-kochubej в-д in Zelenokumsk from Georgievsk
  • gas station №155
    Russia, Neftekumsk, street Highway, 25
  • gas station №156
    Russia, Stavropol Territory of the item the Member of the Komsomol and д Georgievsk-cool (from Georgievsk)
  • gas station №157
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Novopavlovsk of prom the Zone of 194 km and д Р262 departure on Kursk
  • gas station №159
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Achikulak, Petrosmall town (departure on village Иргаклы)
  • gas station №161
    Russia, Stavropol Territory of the item Kursk street of Kalinin 1
  • gas station №163
    Russia, Stavropol кр. Foothill district, road caucasus of 506 km (a line)
  • gas station №164
    Stavropol Territory, Foothill area, road caucasus, 378 km+300м
  • gas station №167
    Russia, Stavropol кр. Zheleznovodsk, the item of Inozemtsevo, ул Gagarin
  • gas station №169
    Russia, Stavropol кр., Foothill district, road Lermontov-Cherkesk, 1 km + 400 m
  • gas station №171
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Pyatigorsk Lermontovsky travel (Pyatigorsk-Karachaevsk of 2 km)
  • gas station №172
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Pyatigorsk of street Nezhnova 3
  • gas station №173
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Lermontov Cherkessky road 3 (nearby and д А-256 Pyatigorsk-Cherkessk)
  • gas station №174
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Pyatigorsk of street Bunimovicha 15
  • gas station №176
    Russia, Stavropol кр., Essentuki, road Essentuki-Pjatigorsk, 1 km + 150 m
  • gas station №177
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Kislovodsk, street Industrial
  • gas station №178
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Zheleznovodsk, road MinVody-Kislovodsk, at the left
  • gas station №179
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Foothill area, road MinVody-Kislovodsk 10km+800м to the right
  • gas station №180
    Russia, an outcome road Kochubey-Neftekumsk-mineral Vody, departure from village Левокумка Mineralovodsky district
  • gas station №182
    Russia, Stavropol кр., road caucasus, 349 km, Mineral Waters
  • gas station №184
    Russia, Stavropol Territory of Mines-waters of street the Soviet 26 352 km ф д М-29 Rostov-Baku
  • gas station №185
    Russia, Stavropol Territory and д Mines-waters-kochubej departure from Mines-waters
  • gas station №186
    Russia, Stavropol Territory and д settlement the Snake of 359 km and д М-29 Rostov-Baku
  • gas station №187
    Russia, Stavropol Territory of Mines-waters of street Moscow 27
  • gas station №188
    Russia, Stavropol Territory of 356 km М-29 Mineral-water streets Soviet
  • gas station №190
    Russia, Starvopolsky edge of 32 km and д Mines-waters-kislovodsk (about Essentuki)
  • gas station №191
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Essentuki crossing of street October-ermolova
  • gas station №192
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Zheleznovodsk of street of Lenin 191а (departure on and д Mines-waters-kislovodsk
  • gas station №193
    Russia, Stavropol Territory of the item Essentuksky street Etoksky
  • gas station №194
    Stavropol Territory Essentuki (ст Zolotushka) (entrance to Essentuki стор the item of Wines-gardens)
  • gas station №195
    Russia, Stavropol Territory of the item Suvorovsky Circassian road And д And 156 Pyatigorsk-Cherkessk with стор Pyatigorsk
  • gas station №196
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Kislovodsk the avenue of the Victory 8
  • gas station №197
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Kislovodsk the avenue of the Victory 151
  • gas station №198
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Kislovodsk of the item Belorechensky street Kislovodsk 6 and (в-д н the item of Elkush)
  • gas station №199
    Russia, Stavropol Territory Kislovodsk, street Industrial, 1Б
  • gas station №205
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Turkmen area, village the Summer Rate, on crossing of highways «Svetlograd-year-old Rate-arzgir» and an entrance to and. Чур »
  • gas station №206
    Stavropol Territory, Kochubeevsky area, 231 km + 300 m of a highway caucasus
  • gas station №207
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Stepnovsky area, village Steppe, Lenin`s square, 17
  • gas station №210
    Stavropol Territory, Budyonnovsk, street of the Rose Luxembourg, 40
  • gas station №212
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Arzgirsky district, village A stone Beam, перессечение street Parkway and street Garden
  • gas station №213
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Georgievsky district, road Pyatigorsk-Georgievsk, the western detour of 3,4 km
  • gas station №5088
    Russia, Stavropol Territory, Isobilnensky area, settlement of city type of Solnechnodolsk, street Energetikov, 6А

Tatneft Tatneft
  • gas station № 334
    Stavropol Territory, Andropovsky area, the item Cascade, street Central, 8, highway М29 "caucasus" of 270 km (at the left)
  • gas station № 335
    Stavropol Territory, Stavropol, street Selection, 1-Д

Stavropol Territory, all gaz stations

1 € = 9202  rubles
Last update: 24 february 2025 00:30 (today).
Last changes in prices: 15.10.2021