Murmansk region, fuel price in Russia
Murmansk region: prices from 19 fuel stations.
- gas station № 1031Murmansk, Shabalin`s street, house 20
- gas station № 1032Murmansk, street Cooperative, house 112а
- gas station № 1033Murmansk, street Podgornaja, 86/and
- gas station № 1034Murmansk, ул Papanina, house 29
- gas station № 1035Kola district, 21км highway Murmansk-SPb (М-18)
- gas station № 1036Severomorsk, street Kolyshkina, house 19
- gas station № 4210Severomorsk, Murmansk highway, 9
- 231Monchegorsk, Monchegorsk, highway Near the station (300 m from line Р-21)
- 232Monchegorsk, street Komsomol, 16 And
- 233Monchegorsk, the Leningrad emb., 26 and
- gas station № 184Olonets, house An upper course, line М18, 284 km road Sankt-Petersburg-Murmansk, at the left, in 1st km. From a line
- Statoil-Апатитыgas station "Statoil-Апатиты" - street Fersmana, 56, 184200
- Statoil-Кандалакшаgas station "Statoil-Кандалакша" - Pronin`s street, 20А, 184040
- Statoil-Мончегорскgas station "Statoil-Мончегорск" - avenue of Metallurgists, 2Б, 184500
- Statoil-Подгорнаяgas station "Statoil-Подгорная", street Podgornaja, 136, 183010
- Statoil-Полярные ZoriZoryPolar Dawns
AZS "Statoil-Полярные Dawns" - avenue Nivsky, 17, 184230 - Statoil-Северgas station "Statoil-Север" - avenue of Heroes-severomortsev, 40, 183037
- Statoil-СевероморскSeveromorsk
AZS "Statoil-Североморск" - V.Pikulja`s street, 8, 184600 - Statoil-Центрgas station "Statoil-Центр" - street Rogozersky, 2, 183038
- Statoil-Югgas station "Statoil-Юг" - avenue Kola, 51А, 183050
Murmansk region, all gaz stations
1 € = 104.86 rubles
Last update: 18 january 2025 00:30 (today).
Last changes in prices: 15.10.2021
Last changes in prices: 15.10.2021