Barnaul, fuel price in Russia
Barnaul: prices from 35 fuel stations.

- gas station № 6741Altay кр., Barnaul, street Cheljuskintsev, house 117б
- gas station № 6742Altay кр., Barnaul, street Popova, house 166а
- gas station № 6743Altay кр., Barnaul, pr-kt Cosmonauts, house 14К

- gas station №200Pushkin`s street, 48б, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656043
- gas station №2011st Western street, 57, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656023
- gas station №202Agricultural street, 1А, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656064
- gas station №203Zmeinogorsky path, 118А, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656045
- gas station №205street Shevchenko, 177Б, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656031
- gas station №208street Popova, 206А, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656058
- gas station №210avenue of Cosmonauts, 18А, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656063
- gas station №211avenue Southern, 51, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656905
- gas station №213street Water, 74, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656004
- gas station №214Pavlovsk path, 331, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656065
- gas station №218avenue of Kalinin, 37А, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656011
- gas station №219street Vlasihinsky, 125, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656058
- gas station №220Malakhov`s street, 107Д, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656066
- gas station №224street Popova, 5В, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656063
- gas station №225Pavlovsk path, 186, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656065
- gas station №226Pavlovsk path, 249А, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656066
- gas station №231street Country, 119, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656008
- gas station №233Zmeinogorsky path, 29В, Barnaul, Altay territory, Russia, 656045

- gas station №155Russia, Barnaul, Gogol`s street, д 90
- gas station №156Russia, Barnaul, street Northwest, д 18
- gas station №158Russia, Barnaul, street Vlasihinsky, д 61
- gas station №159Russia, Barnaul, the Pavlovsk path, д 190
- gas station №161Russia, Barnaul, street E.Alekseevoj, д 75
- gas station №162Russia, Barnaul, street the Wide glade, д 2
- gas station №163Russia, Altay territory, Barnaul, street of the Soviet Army, д 59а
- gas station №164Russia, Barnaul, Anosov`s street, д 4
- gas station №165Russia, Barnaul, street of Cosmonauts, д 6/1
- gas station №166Barnaul, the prospectus of Builders, д 56в
- gas station №167Russia, Barnaul, the Right-bank path, д 30
- gas station №168Russia, Barnaul, the Right-bank path, д 31
- gas station №220Russia, Altay territory, Barnaul, the prospectus of Builders, д131
- gas station №221Russia, Barnaul, street the Solar glade, д18 and
- gas station №223Russia, Barnaul, Titov`s street, д 4б
- gas station №224Russia, Barnaul, the prospectus of Kalinin, д 19
- gas station №227Barnaul, highway the Tape pine forest, 25
Altay territory, all gazoline stations
Altay territory, all gaz stations