Sevastopol, Khrustalyov`s street, 78а, TES
- Crimea, Sevastopol
- Address: Sevastopol, Khrustalyov`s street, 78а
- Description: the Gasoline station is located in Sevastopol on Khrustalyov`s street around the former trolleybus ring (ост. 4th km of Balaklavsky highway) in a direction of movement from a city. At present refuelling is closed on reconstruction. Addresses of the nearest refuelling complexes“TES”:
– Sevastopol, street N. Music, 1а
– Sevastopol, Balaklavsky highway, 5 - GPS-coordinates: 44.55527 33.52352
Fuel price:
- 92 (regular): 40.1 rubles
- 95 (premium): 42.85 rubles
- Diesel: 39.9 rubles
Last changes: 16.01.2016
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