gas station № 14, Tatneft
- Tatarstan, Kazan
- Address: Republic Tatarstan, Kazan, crossing of avenue Jamasheva and street Chistopolskaja (near to a trading complex "XL")
- Description: Having added liquids in a tank стеклоомывателя (in a warm season), Pumping of tyres (in a warm season), Rubbing of glasses, headlights and licence plates (in a warm season), the Vacuum cleaner, the Toilet, Service заправщика (in the afternoon)
- GPS-coordinates: 55.824304 49.156125
Fuel price:
- 92 (regular): 33.7 rubles
- 95 (premium): 36.5 rubles
- Diesel: 33.3 rubles
Last changes: 12.10.2016
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