gas station № 8, Tatneft
- Tatarstan
- Address: Republic Tatarstan, Pestrechinsky district, 16км road Kazan-N.Chelny, 830 km of line М7 Moscow-N.Novgorod-Ufa * On the left side of road in a direction from Moscow.
- Description: 24 hours, Shop, Cafe, Motel, Parking place a free toilet, are accepted for payment bank cards, additional services - pumping of tyres (it is given free of charge and is carried out independently), the Terminal of payment of cellular communication
Fuel price:
- 92 (regular): 36.4 rubles
- 95 (premium): 39.4 rubles
- Diesel: 33.95 rubles
- LPG: 17.5 rubles
Last changes: 17.07.2017
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