StatOil, gazoline stations
Saint-Petersburg, gazoline stations list
- Statoil-АнтелевоМАЗК "Statoil-Антелево" - house Антелево, house 33, lighted. А, 191011
- Statoil-Витебскийgas station "Statoil-Витебский" - Vitebsk avenue, house 130A, 191011
- Statoil-ГатчинаМАЗК "Statoil-Гатчина" - street of Civil guardsmen-baltijtsev, house 42, 191011
- Statoil-Говороваgas station "Statoil-Маршала Govorova" - the Chemical lane, 1/1, 198095
- Statoil-Дальневосточныйgas station "Statoil-Дальневосточный" - avenue Far East, house 48, lighted. And, 193079
- Statoil-ЗотовскийМАЗК "Statoil-Зотовский" - Zotovsky avenue, house 9, lighted. And, 195067
- Statoil-Красный a pine forestgas station "Statoil-Красный a pine forest" - Krasnoborsky city settlement, a highway "Russia" of 667 km (the Moscow highway, 35 km), 191011
- Statoil-Кубинскаяgas station "Statoil-Кубинская" - street Cuban, house 82, кор.3, lighted. And, 191011
- Statoil-ОптиковМАЗК "Statoil-Оптиков" - street Optikov, house 1, кор.2, lighted. And, 197374
- Statoil-Пулковское highway, 53gas station "Statoil-Пулковское highway, 53" - Pulkovsky highway, house 53/2, 196140
- Statoil-Пулковское highway, 68gas station "Statoil-Пулковское highway, 68" - Pulkovsky highway, 68/2, 196626
- Statoil-РыбацкоеМАЗК "Statoil-Рыбацкое" - the Ust-Slav, the Soviet prospectus, house 57, lighted. And, 190005
- Statoil-СофийскаяМАЗК "Statoil-Софийская" - street Sofia, house 89, lighted. And, 192289
- Statoil-Химиковgas station "Statoil-Химиков" - street of Chemists, house 10, к.2 лит.3, 195030
- Statoil-Шафировскийgas station "Statoil-Шафировский" - Shafirovsky avenue, 20, 191011
Pskov, gazoline stations list
- Statoil-Поземскогоgas station "Statoil-Поземского» - L.Pozemsky`s street, house 112А, 180000
Murmansk, gazoline stations list
- Statoil-Подгорнаяgas station "Statoil-Подгорная", street Podgornaja, 136, 183010
- Statoil-Северgas station "Statoil-Север" - avenue of Heroes-severomortsev, 40, 183037
- Statoil-Центрgas station "Statoil-Центр" - street Rogozersky, 2, 183038
- Statoil-Югgas station "Statoil-Юг" - avenue Kola, 51А, 183050
Leningrad region, gazoline stations list
- Statoil-Мурманское road, 89 kmgas station "Statoil-Мурманское, 89" - Kirov district, Murmansk highway, 89 km., village Noise, 187350
- Statoil-ОтрадноеPleasant
AZS "Statoil-Отрадное" - street of Tankmen, 20, 187330
Pskov region, gazoline stations list
- Statoil-Гагаринаgas station "Statoil-Гагарина" - Gagarin`s avenue, house 82А, 182100
- Statoil-Октябрьскийgas station "Statoil-Октябрьский" - 311 km road Nevel – Shimsk, 182100
- Statoil-Опочкаgas station "Statoil-Опочка" 406 km road М-20 St.-Petersburg – Kiev, 182330
- Statoil-ОстровOstrov AZS "Statoil-Остров" - 336 km of the lane road St.-Petersburg – Kiev – Kaunas, 181350 Novosyolov the item, 450м severo-to the east Д8
- Statoil-ПустошкаPustoshka
AZS "Statoil-Пустошка"
Moskovskoe highway, 540 km road М-9 "Baltic" (Moscow – Riga), 182300 - Statoil-СебежSebezh
AZS "Statoil-Себеж" - Sebezhsky district, 614 km. road М-9 "Baltic" (Moscow – Riga) on border with Latvia, 182250
Murmansk region, gazoline stations list
- Statoil-Апатитыgas station "Statoil-Апатиты" - street Fersmana, 56, 184200
- Statoil-Кандалакшаgas station "Statoil-Кандалакша" - Pronin`s street, 20А, 184040
- Statoil-Мончегорскgas station "Statoil-Мончегорск" - avenue of Metallurgists, 2Б, 184500
- Statoil-Полярные ZoriZoryPolar Dawns
AZS "Statoil-Полярные Dawns" - avenue Nivsky, 17, 184230 - Statoil-СевероморскSeveromorsk
AZS "Statoil-Североморск" - V.Pikulja`s street, 8, 184600